Tools for developing Dynamic Web Sites

Posted on April 2, 2008. Filed under: compigiri, Computer, internet, technology, Web | Tags: , , , , , , |

I started developing web sites about an year ago. When I started out I did not know of any of the frameworks which make the job of developing a dynamic web site easy. I spent a lot of time finding tools which suited my need.

In this post I have listed the tools I use. It may help newbies by giving a reference point to start out their exploration.

LAMP Based

The base infrastructure is LAMP with a little deviation. I use LinuxApacheMySQLPython (instead of PHP).

For the uninitiated this means I run the Apache web server, with MySQL as my Database engine, on the Linux operating system. Python is used for generating dynamic web pages on the fly.

Framework for Dynamic pages

Django is used for generating dynamic web pages. Django lets you build high-performing, elegant Web applications quickly. Django focuses on automating as much as possible and adhering to the DRY principle. Django is very well documented and the online Django Book makes it very easy for anyone to start using Django quickly.


I layout my pages using Blueprint. This is a CSS framework which allows you to have a great layout with very clean and simple code. List formatting is done with Listamatic. It provides a easy way to create great looking lists.

And of course there is AJAX. I use the excellent Prototype and Scriptaculous libraries to add Ajax to my site. These libraries make it easy to have cross browser compatible JavaScripts.


Using tools greatly reduces the work required to be done to develop a website. Choosing a framework/tool which suits you is the biggest task. Think carefully about what you want to achieve and what the tool provides. Use the one which matches your style and requirements.

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Thank you!

Oops! My sincere apologies. I hit publish on a half-written post. I am hoping to follow through all your links and write up my experience later.

I’ve made the blog private for now until I’ve sorted that out.

I am so sorry.

BTW what would you do when your entire blog is being copied on a daily basis? I didn’t know what would be a) effective or b) of any importance. Do you have any ideas?

nice posting. Is there any tutorial given about developing web using that tools you mentioned? Thank’s a lot for info sharing ^_^

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